Sunday, June 1, 2014

Culture Clash

To create a Clash of Cultures by creating your own Photo montage, combining images from Beijing, China and Yarmouth, Maine, USA;
To further develop your Photoshop knowledge and skills;
To create a “surreal” landscape by montaging a variety of photographs;
To know, use, and understand the Four Collage Techniques to in your Photo Montage: Juxtaposition/fragmentation, Point of View, Scale Change, Overlapping

This project was very beneficial to my understanding of photoshop techniques. I have previous experience with photoshop, but this project helped to refresh my memory with the program and also introduce me to some new skills. I was able to incorporate interesting images representing both American and Chinese culture to demonstrate these skills. I also had to think about composition; the placement of objects on the page was very important in order to create a visually appealing project. It was difficult to incorporate all fifteen pictures while still making a coherent scene. I had to push myself to think creatively in order to avoid a collage and design a surreal landscape. Instead of pasting in random images I laid a background, and then built off of the background, layering in different aspects of each culture.

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