Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Famous Portraits

Dorothy Horan, best known as Dovima, with elefants (1955)
This portrait was done by Richard Avedon.  The subject matter of this photo was intriguing to me. The woman is placed in an interesting way with the elephants. She is not standing stiffly; rather she is graceful as to mimic the curves of the elephants. Her eyes are also focused on the elephant instead of the lens of the camera. This draws the viewers eyes around the portrait to the elephant she is looking at. The black and whites in this photo are also very vibrant which drew me to it.

Sir Cecil Beaton (1978)
Andrew Newman shot this portrait.  What drew me was the personality that seems to radiate from the portrait. The way the subject is positioned and is gesturing shows a certain energy the person possesses.  The background and other props also help to emphasize a certain story. Newman uses background and props to spice up the background, but also bring the subject to life for the viewer. 

 Emmylou Harris, Franklin, Tennessee, 2001

This portrait was done by Annie Leibovitz. The composition of this photo was interesting to me, as the subject is placed slightly to the right of portrait demonstrating her use of the rule of thirds.  This photo tells a story as the previous portraits do.  The woman is holding a prop which looks like it is something very special to her.  The background emphasizes the story behind this woman as it looks like an open road maybe symbolizing freedom. Rather than having the subject look directly at the lens, she is closing her eyes as in deep thought. I want to know more about this story after looking at the photo. 

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