Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Unusual Perspectives

       Wooden snowshoes lay flat against the hardwood table.  A mess of wiry leather sprawls across the masses of wood. The crisp breeze of a winter day suddenly sweeps across my face as I imagine the peril they may have seen in earlier years; what storms they may have carried desperate feet through.  I can hear the crunch of freshly fallen snow, the kind that children make glorious snow forts from.  Of course they're only for decoration, but the adventures they could once have endured seize my imagination as I capture just a glimpse of their character.

Monday, February 10, 2014


This photo depicts a different perspective.  Rather than shooting from above, as one would normally see the markers, I shot from an angle that brings the viewer at eye level with the subject.  I chose to arrange the markers vertically, so the eye is lead from the first green marker to the red marker and finally to the black marker.  This arrangement would not have the same effect had I just taken the photo from above.  By shooting from an unusual angle, I made an ordinary subject more interesting to an audience.

Thursday, February 6, 2014


I chose to photograph this image because I found the combination of colors and shapes interesting.  I thought this fit with the assignment as each bean has a unique form to it; no two are exactly the same. The variation in color also makes this image appealing to the eye.  I wanted to focus on a few beans in the foreground and slightly defocus the mass of beans in the background. This way the viewer can focus on a few shapes in the foreground and see the small variations that make each object slightly different.